I Hate My Life – What To Do When You Seriously Hate Your Life

I hate my life

Life is difficult to define, what made you voice out the words “I hate my life” or “I hate myself” could probably be something provoking, but how do you handle such situations in life?

Many of us have at least once in a lifetime experience bitter moments that could make us hate the life we’re living. It could be that we’ve engaged in so many businesses and failed uncountably or things happen to often shift from our initial plans leaving us in pains and frustrations.

When we give many thoughts into the wrong happenings in our life or dive deep into a mistake of the past, we will definitely feel bittered and can notice everything else we’re engaged in drags. This is so because we’ve refused to embrace things with a positive mindset and take yesterdays mistakes as lessons and the current storms we’re facing as processes preparing us for better days ahead.

Today is hard
tomorrow will be worse, but the day after tomorrow will be sunshine.

– Jack ma.

Honestly, this powerful quote by Jack Ma above clearly reminds us that the world is not a bed full of roses. When we’re hit by a light storm today, we might still be hit by a heavy one tomorrow. It is absolutely an uncertainty but after the sorrowful days comes the happy days. This will prepare you to always know that things can go not according to your plans, and pain can come in while you’re figuring your way to success but being so fast to hate yourself is uncalled for. However, patience is a virtue.

Why do I hate my life?

Why do I hate my life?

Most times you could be seen trying to give explanations to why you keep saying “I hate my life” and wondering how to stop hating yourself, and start to live for yourself the life you’ve always dreamed of.

However, you hate your life because;

You’re not living your life for yourself

You're not living your life for yourself

Are you trying to follow the trend or are you moved to live the life of someone else, forgetting to live your life in your own very way and enjoy what life has in stock for you?

It is possible and recommendable to have a mentor but also pertinent to make sure we’re not living under a negative influence. If the people you’re looking up to in the society, do not have a positive impact on you, it’s probably a sign you will end up living an unsatisfied life that can push you into thinking your life is worthless probably because you aren’t living up to expectations.

Why all the blames?

stop the blames

Stop blaming yourself or the people around you for everything. Living a life of blames is detrimental to finding your true self, this will probably land you into saying “I hate my life right now“.

There are thoughts that can make you become self-limiting and not achieve your core purposes in life. When you think your parents should be blamed for your problems or anyone else for the challenges you’re facing in life.

Most people with poor background always blame their parents for being poor, not knowing that they can turn the table. They live in such thoughts and end up agonizing on how unfair life has been to them and how no one really cares about their wellbeing.

Aside from blaming others for your problems, you’re hating your life because you don’t want to embrace that mistakes are part of life and we’re prone to make mistakes. The difference will always lay on whether you’re learning from the mistakes or repeating the same fault all the time.

Every great person you know today, has once upon a time made severe mistakes but what counts the most is your approaches and understanding to utilize such mistakes as life lessons, learn from them and improve yourself instead of hitting your head on the wall and apportioning blames.

Popular I hate my life quotes

I hate my life quote image

Below are some popular quotes about hating life and yourself. The quotes are often used to express sad feelings triggered by failed attempts in life that can make you say “life hates me“. Avoid such quotes for the negative impacts they can pose on you and always make use of stop hating quotes, that will inspire you for greatness instead.

  • I hate my life. I’m at the point where I want to hear about other people’s lives. it’s like switching from fiction to biography. – Don DeLillo
  • The opposite of life is not death, it’s indifference. – Elie Wiesel
  • Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. – Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • Two farewell gifts,” Sadie muttered, “from two gorgeous guys. I hate my life. – Rick Riordan
  • In health, we’re doing the digestive system. We each got assigned a topic for an oral report. I got the small intestine. I swear to god I hate my life.- Lynda Barry
  • All is going well, very well, I couldn’t ask for anything better— So why do I hate my life? – Orson Scott Card
  • I can’t take it anymore. The waiting. The wanting. Something inside me snaps. I hate myself. I hate that I have to deal with this. I hate my life. And I hate how I can’t count on anyone to be completely there when I need them, exactly the way I need them to be. – Susane Colasanti
  • I hate my life when I see that no one is there for me
  • I hate my life for not achieving a lot in life hitherto
  • I hate my life because life has been so unfair to me.
  • I have almost everything I needed, but I hate my life because I am still unhappy.

What to do when you really hate your life

what to do when you think your life is worthless

For the fact that you’re beginning to see reasons to hate your life, I am here to give you more subtle points to have a rethink and heal yourself from the “I hate my life” thoughts that can make you depressed and choose death over life.

Honestly, you don’t have to feel worthless or prefer to die because of how life treats you. We want you to know that you deserve to be alive and better, if not for any other thing, but for the fact that there are thousands of people out there who love you including us.

When you think your life is becoming worthless and you can’t help it than to hate yourself, do the following things;

1. Practice patience

practice patience

You probably can endure things when you have the patience and understand that in due time, things will align.

Understand that the challenges you’re facing currently in life, are one of those things to prepare you for victory. Therefore, do not be in a haste to quit thinking you’re hit by the darkest part of life, every good thing takes time to come into being.

More importantly, as you’re practising patience and endurance, be able to determine if you’re patiently waiting on the right track so as not to waste your time. Know when to redirect to the right channel in life, and make sure you follow the process doing what’s right. Your healthy state of mind will present a better solution in such cases.

Always be willing to decide, be bold enough to accept the challenge, be patient with the process, hence you’re on the right track, things will come your way as planned.

2. Practice meditation and work on your inner self


Listen to your inner voice, what does it say? Does it say you’re loved, you’re going to become great and a better person in your life? If it says the opposite, deal with such inner voices, you’re the enemy to yourself and have to first fight it.

Do not be disturbed, meditate on the things that give you positive energy through mindfulness and let go of memories or events that make you sad as they can only weigh you down.

3. Believe in yourself

believe in yourself

Regardless of how many times you’ve tried and failed in life, always believe in yourself and be more focused on finding your personal powers.

When you know your personal powers and the value you uphold, from then you will be able to understand you can take charge and determine the occurrence of things in your life.

Always believe in yourself that you can achieve greatness in life, learn from great men today who failed uncountable times in the past but never lost hope in their selves even when the crowd turned their backs on them.

Surprisingly, your loved ones or family members might seem to drift away from you when they realize you’re almost failing at everything. But it is better to become a failure that to be a quitter, it is normal to fail and better to learn, restrategize and rise to handle any life obstacle that might come your way.

4. Go for therapy

talk to a therapist

Seeking for help is not a sign of weakness, it shows you’re brave and you understand the importance of therapy when you’re really finding life so difficult.

If you’re in crisis, do not be ashamed to speak out, do not die in silence, you really need someone to talk to instead of bottling everything and get yourself depressed in the process.

Talking to a therapist can help you manage situations and avoid the “I hate my life” that always leave you with the feeling you’re worthless and life is not worth living again.

Over to you

It is possible that thoughts about hating yourself, feeling worthless and hopeless can come and go like a guest or even stay for a while, but you don’t have to die because you hate yourself, because you feel no one needs you.

Knowing your life is precious, very important, priceless and cannot be compared with anything, is golden and will always prepare you to protect and improve it to achieve the life of your dreams. By so doing, you’re not just learning to love yourself but also to love others around you and attain a state of peace of mind in life.

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