How To Be A Happy Single: 6 Better Ways To Enjoy Your Singlehood Without Being Pressured

single lady enjoying singlehood

Being single can be an awesome and as well a terrible experience anyone can ever imagine. 

So, how do you enjoy being single? This is a common question on the lips of everyone who is single, especially after a hurtful breakup. 

If you are worried about the same question or want to figure out if you can be truly happy single, this post is an incredible food of thought on how to thrive being a single, and a happy one at that.

Most people after a breakup, especially a breakup that was not initiated by them, find it hard and difficult to be happy when single, thereby not living the life of their dreams. 

Moreover, there are thousands of people out there that are enjoying their singlehood to its peak, then why get lost at home?

Being single has its pros and cons like having the bed and time all alone to yourself but at the same time, you are likely to feel lonely without a companion. 

Honestly, being single is not as bad as you think. Sometimes being single not only helps in empowering the mind but also the revitalization of the spirit.

Singlehood is the best time to make yourself your number one priority without being worried about what your partner might think or say.

Putting the responsibility of your happiness on someone else can be very disturbing and emotionally wrecking because only you can understand your innermost feelings better. 

Truth be told, if your happiness depends on someone, it makes it very difficult for you to be happy consequently giving the person a big role in your life and there is no guarantee they won’t abuse it drastically.

One of the most amazing importance of being single is the ability to make decisions all by yourself, your partner is not a case to consider here because you have none. 

Sincerely, if you are struggling with how to cope during this time of isolation and breakup then you have to find the appropriate things that can make you a happy single, simply by following the recommendations on this post.

Let’s dive in:

How to enjoy your singlehood without being pressured.

After the whole time of being together or in a relationship, it is tough to pick the pieces of your heart and move on whilst you forget that there are benefits of you being single. 

Our top 10 most reliable tips will encourage you to avoid people-pleasing and live your life the best way that will give you peace of mind and happiness even if it means being single forever.

1. Give yourself a break

Most times we often blame ourselves for things that went wrong in our life hence holding so many grudges to life and happiness. Furthermore, we often beat ourselves up for our failures and risks that did not favor us. 

Depriving yourself of love and happiness makes you more vulnerable to depression, be easy on yourself and forgive yourself, let go of the wrong and take the ride to be a happy single hence making yourself proud for who you become.

There is a lot to you than you can think of, so take that break and get on your feet again. Being a happy single is in your DNA.

2. You need to get in touch with yourself.

Sometimes when we are in a relationship we tend to lose focus of who we are and turn to who our partner wants us to be. Naturally, when you are single you tend to go on a deep soul searching, seeking for who we are not who they want us to be. 

Your innermost self needs you to be complete, get in touch with it with your maximum concentration and focus. It needs you to be real without fear of judgment, communicating to yourself when and how to do things.

3. Go out of your way and do the unusual.

There are so many times that we want to do things the right way but the spirit of adventure keeps taking us the other way, stop thinking just do it. One of the ways of being a happy single is knowing when to do things spontaneously without thinking. 

Healthy activities bring the thrill of suspense in you, to take your mind out of the loneliness you are feeling like a single.

The silliness of it will make you laugh, smile, and marvel at the things that you have done on your own.

4. Figure out what you want in life

One of the benefits of being a happy single is that it makes you recover and develop that sense of purpose that was at some point lost in relationship drama.

When we are alone, our sense of direction tends to heighten and we see a more transparent vision of who we want to be, and our potentials are fully utilized thus giving us this sense of fulfillment that was lacking before.

Being a happy single is when we calibrate ourselves to evaluate who and what we have become in life. Know your ability to focus and seek that steady purpose that will create the change that you always dream of. 

5. Meet and make new friends. 

There is an adage that says “no man is an island”. Therefore, there is a constant need for people in your life, the good ones. By now you must have realized that life can be unnecessarily hard without a support system, which is known as true friends.

True friends are a group of people that make life easy especially during tough times, they will always be there to check on you and give maximum support to make you feel happy and better.

When you are in a relationship it is normally hard to focus on friends but now you are single, take it as a profound opportunity to make new friends, reconnect with your old friends. Honestly, spending time with people you share common interests with will make you feel happy always, go out and meet people. It brings back your confidence and self-worth casting more light on who you are.

6. Encouragement from us

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being single rather there are 101 benefits you can get when you are a happy single. Explore your time and space, it is time to discover yourself and become a better you. 

Life is beautiful and sweet especially when you enjoy and make the best out of it. Honestly instead of crying over spilled milk, why not enjoy the grace of singlehood because not everyone gets that chance twice.

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