How To Make Your Ex Miss You After A Breakup

Your ex could already be sharing some of your feelings since your both parted away that you necessarily do not have to do a thing for that to happen. That this holds to be true, it does not also contradict the fact that your ex has moved on but there are things to do to make your ex miss you badly.

I believe you’re trying to make your ex-boyfriend miss you after a breakup with intentions void of retaliation? If you’re thinking of paying back to your ex, to make them miss and want you back together so you can hurt their feelings, then this post isn’t for you in entirety.

This post is specially baked to equip you with things to do to make your ex miss you, so you both could still get together or for the purpose to make him/her realized his/her mistakes and begin to miss those old good times. But this isn’t as easy as it sounds, there’s more to making your ex miss you and keep him for good.

If you plan to make your ex fall in love with you again, here’s a special guide on how to get back your ex without looking desperate.

Before we continue with the main topic of discussion “how to make your ex miss you“, let me take a look at some of the reoccurring questions:

Are there ways backed by science to make your ex miss you? There’s no scientific approach on methods to make your ex start to miss you after a breakup. Also, there’s no guarantee that the points mentioned will make your ex miss you, especially if you both broke up when there’s no feeling in the relationship.

There’s absolutely nothing to be sceptical about here, whether these tips will make your ex miss and want you back quickly. Over the years I have helped a lot of people with a majority been women, on how to bring back their ex strategically through making them miss every single thing they’ve ever share in the relationship.

In as much as there exist several breakup signs, I always recommend that a married couple should check these seven things to try before giving up on your marriage. More generally, you can check out how to settle relationship arguments like a pro, so it does escalate to break up and leave you thinking “will my ex-husband come back?“, “will ex ever come back?“, “will ex regret dumping me?” or “who host ex on the beach?” and many other ex related questions that are capable of breaking you down.

If you’re interested in the reconciliation to with an ex, then first try these few things to make them miss and want you back. The points outlined below are a veritable method of successfully getting your ex back.

Proven tips to make your ex miss you bad

1. Don’t be so desperate, texting and calling your ex

Honestly, you simply don’t have to appear desperate to make your ex miss you. Making quick contacts with your ex will signal you miss him and this is otherwise of my intentions on this post. I want you to make your ex-boyfriend miss you, don’t rush and come back complaining that your ex isn’t picking up the phone.

Don’t give your ex the impression that you’re the one who needs the relationship the most, contacting your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend a few days after a breakup is odd. It is against the NO CONTACT RULE. Stay in no contact with him, for the meantime stop the texting, and calling, do not be way desperate about the process. Allow yourself some time.

2. Take some time to fix yourself

If you’re trying on getting back together with him/her, staying away from the person, will give you ample time to evaluate all that has happened and know if they can be fixed.

Mingle with friends to catch some fun, and learn the art of being single and independent. Becoming independent comes with a new dimension to bring your ex back quickly as you now appear more attractive because you’re healthier and have discovered how happy you can make yourself be without him/her.

3. Do not call or text your ex back

It is possible that your ex wants you back so quickly to help him fix himself from being hurt.

Do not give in to that quickly, regardless of the frequency of calls and the number of text messages from your ex. To be sure your ex really miss you, wait for a while and see what the situation unfolds. Remember patience is a virtue.

Is he still calling? If your ex stopped calling after a while or even blocked you on social media shortly after no contact, you can drive home my points why I said you should not answer your ex a few days after a breakup.

4. Travel around

A sure way to cut ties in a relationship is leaving town, you can’t easily run into your ex. This will create a great vacuum that he will want to come back together with you.

If you set for a trip, you will be more exposed and meet with people who can impact your life in so many positive ways as you visit places of interest. What about taking some random photoshoots and update your social media wall? This will even make him miss you the more, although you’re mentally okay and not even posting that your ex may see it.

5. Do not stalk your ex

If you’re stalking your ex after a breakup then you’re wrong. You can end up losing them entirely.

Stop physically stalking like, trying things possible to make sure you come to their ways so they will notice you, your new dress or hairstyle. More importantly stop the cyberstalking of do not be obsessed, trying to read their chats which you have earlier had access to before the breakup or seen obsessed over their social media posts – pictures of your ex, why cry looking at them? Being yourself here will make your ex miss you bad.

6. Don’t showcase your sadness

It hurts to be dumped and left with the thoughts “will my ex get in touch with me?“, “will ex ever reach out to me and regret ever dumping me?” all these thoughts can push you to some acts that are not advisable for making your ex miss you.

Regardless of how you feel, do not acknowledge your sadness, sharing how bad you feel on social media so they could see, is a bad practice. Even if you recently take the “will ex come back quiz“, do not share your result on the social media.

How to make your ex miss you – Questions & answers

How to make your ex-boyfriend regret dumping you?

Give him the time and space to make him miss you, make your ex jealous by opening yourself up to other men.

How to make your ex miss you over text

Remember not been desperate or treated as one, and the effect of ex not picking up the phone or being subdued with the imaginations of “when will ex unblock my number?”, so you could start calling them. Such acts are ridiculous, better still go for the no contact rule with your ex, this will by far push him to miss you and find a way to come back in order not to lose entirely.

How to make your ex want you?

Take some time to work on yourself, have a throwback in time “the first time you both met“, the earlier stage of your relationship with him, was the breakup a problem caused by you? Work really great on yourself, stop the texting, and calls.

Focus on taking some space to improve yourself instead of living in the hurt.

How to make your ex jealous?

I’m fascinated that men are just as jealous as women, after a breakup with your boyfriend, a sure way to make him miss you are getting along with others “flirt with other men”. Your ex will get to know you can make friends quickly “you’re beautiful, good looking, smart and attractive“, he will draw close when he begins to see you around other men.

The bottom line

You won’t wonder again why ex-boyfriend contacts you when you have applied the ” how to make your ex miss you” guide as shown on this post.

This post has helped many people come back together, although we are still unable to ascertain for sure how many percentages of exes that get back together using this guide. Giving it a try with utmost honesty has been the most proven way to achieve the desired objectives, which is to make him come back to you after a breakup.

Most times, it is not just for you guys to come back together and keep rolling the wheel of love. You might want to make your ex regret dumping you by learning a few new things that will probably improve your lifestyle and make you healthier and happier than ever.

It is true that you, you can make your ex miss you when he has a new girlfriend. This, however, does not guarantee he’s going to leave his new date for you.

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