How did you get my number? This is not a question for only those who are into real estate or cold calling businesses. Most guys who are looking for a new catch are finding it difficult to start meaningful conversations with single ladies because of their witty replies to the common question most girls ask about how they got their phone number.
Ever tried starting a conversation over text with a girl you just met and got responses like “who’s this?“, “where did you get my number?” and you feel like it’s going to make her block you probably because you don’t know what to reply to her questions that won’t be creepy. I understand how you feel, which made you go on a search for what to say if a girl asks you who gave you her number? Search no further, this post is specially baked to provide you with the best replies that will make you not appear like a creeper.
When a girl asks how you got her number, she could be surprised receiving a chat from you, or maybe not be interested, or not comfortable chatting with you for several reasons since you’re strange to her. Sometimes, a girl might want to know where you got her number from because she wants to feel safe and also to know if you will be honest in your answers or not.
What to say when she asks “how did you get my number?”
How did you get my number best reply is absolutely the one that is honest, there’s no need trying to play some tricks. Only a dumb girl will fall for such tricks like saying; you got her number from a new phone you purchased or did a random number generator to have her number.
If a girl asks you where you got her number from, be honest in your reply do not try to cook up some lies, she might not fall for that and it’s a red flag to lie to someone you’re trying to start a conversation with. Be yourself and she’s more likely to have a deep conversation with you because you’re truthful.
1. I got your number from a friend
In as much as I encourage guys to walk up to a girl and ask for her phone number using my all-time best tips to have any girl’s phone number, I am not against getting it through a friend. But it is absolutely awkward to do so without consent from your friend before giving out her number to you.
Possibly, you can have your crush’s number from a friend but let me assume your friend who gave you her number asked for approval before giving it out to you. If that’s not the case, then there’s no need saying this probably because you must have sealed a deal with your friend not to disclose who gave you her number.
If she is someone you already know but lost her contact and got it from a friend, it is advisable to share with her who helped you restore her phone number.
2. I got your phone number from “______ Group chat”
Group chats are common to many institutions such as; class group chat, office group chats, and many more. Hence you’re in a group chat with her, for example, in a WhatsApp group chat, the phone number of all the group participants can be seen by everyone in the group.
If you got her number from a group chat, kindly let her know when she asks “how did you get my number?” be very specific (indicate which group chat).
3. Social media timeline
If she listed her phone number on her social media profile, let her know which social media platform you got it from and you won’t have issues regarding her confirmations on how you got her phone number.
4. I got it from you at “name of place/event/day”
If she forgot she was actually the one who gave you her number, simply remind her she’s the one, feel free to include other details that can easily remind her of how the number got to you. The place, let’s say at the beach, the event could be at Joe’s birthday party on Friday.
Uh! I got it from you at Joe’s birthday party. I was the fair guy on a blue hoodie who told you about white crabs.
Honestly, make sure your methods of getting a girl’s number is absolutely genuine, with that, you will find it easier to say how you got it. If you got her number through unfair means, simply apologize to her or don’t try texting her because she’s definitely going to ask you.
Now that I have answered in my own opinion your question on “what should I say to a girl if she asks me where I got her number from?” What other creative replies can you give to a girl when she asks you such a question and could this be a reason for someone to remain single if he finds it daunting to give a good reply that’s not creepy and go into a deep conversation with a girl?