How to Get Back With Your ex-Girlfriend

How to Get Back With Your ex-Girlfriend

Hello reader, welcome to our article on How to Get Your ex-girlfriend Back Fast. In this article, we will be exposing some steps you can take to get your ex-girlfriend back but before then, we will like to introduce you to a very powerful guide that have been proven to work for all that have tried it. This guide is known as the “Ex Factor Guide” by Brad Browning’s.

Brad Browning’s “Ex Factor Guide” program is easily the most comprehensive and most effective guide to getting your ex back. After reviewing a number of similar products, we recommend “The Ex Factor Guide” as the #1 choice if you’re looking for a step-by-step instruction manual on how to win your ex back immediately. A lot of people have tried this guide and reported how successful it was for them.

As a guy breaking up could be heartbroken sometimes, especially when you are still madly in love with your soul mate and truly want her back in your life.

You will often feel like a part of you is missing.

And will always have the feeling to get her back into the relationship, but maybe your close friends are not helping the issue, they might be the ones getting you discouraged anytime you’d bring up the topic – they may be like, “let her go or you have to move on, guy!”.

While deep down in your heart, you want your ex-girlfriend back, but you don’t know-how.

Of course, trying to rebuild love in a relationship after it’s lost is not as easy as it sounds for everyone and to make things more confused, there’s no guidebook on how to get back your ex-girlfriend.

If you have thought about the whole thing and found out you need to get back with your ex-girlfriend or in the relationship, then we’ve got your back.

Whether you were the one that did the dumping or she is the one that dumped you, we understand how it hurts like a fresh wound to say goodbye to the one your heart deeply accepts – your true soul mate.

But don’t stress, we can help you get your ex-girlfriend back to you.

After reading this amazing post made just for you here, you will be able to learn how to get back with your ex-girlfriend with some practical tips on how to go about it.

But let’s tackle this popular question lots of people ask.

Is it possible to get your ex-girlfriend back?

Of course, it’s quite valid getting exes back, though if you follow the right path to get back to your ex.

According to a marriage therapist, 25% of the women who go through breakups get back to their exes.

People might learn their lessons and decide to start over again, it’s very possible when you follow the right way to get your ex-girlfriend back.

Whether it is 1 year after break up or 3 years after break up, there are some sure ways in which you can get back with your ex-girlfriend almost possible. 

I understand right now, that you want to know these practical ways how to get back your ex-girlfriend but just read through to learn more.

The 15 practical tips on how to get back your ex-girlfriend.

The way we will talk about how to make your ex want you back will depend on which one among you initiated the breakup.

This is to say that different breakup details need distinct procedures to handle the issue.

So are you the one that dumped her or did she dump you?

If your answer is the latter, maybe she dumped you due to your bad attitude but now you have realized your mistakes, and have learned your lessons and now you want to get her back.

Well, this is for you.

Here are 15 practical tips on how to get back your ex-girlfriend.

  1. Find out the reason you split at first.
  2. Accept your shortcomings.
  3. Work on yourself.
  4. Call or invite her to talk about it.
  5. Be friendly this time.
  6. Don’t go down the memory lane.
  7. Don’t use lies to win her heart.
  8. Be honest about your feelings.
  9. Renew that old loving memory with friends.
  10. Send her surprise gifts.
  11. Take it easy.
  12. Don’t give up easily.
  13. Discuss the future with her often.

1. Find out the reason you split at first.

After the break, ups has happened, and you think about it and yet feel something for your ex-girlfriend, maybe you’re pretty sure she is your life soul mate, and you truly want her back in your life, the first practical thing to do is to find out what lead to the break up at first.

Then if you’re able to figure out anything that had caused the breakup, getting the right way to approach things this time, will make it easy for you to know what should be done to get her back in the relationship.

2. Accept your shortcomings.

One thing is to identify the cause of the problem, and then if you finally find out that your attitudes towards your ex which lead to the break up weren’t okay, another thing is to accept that you were wrong with the way you handle the relationship in the past.

Knowing your shortcomings, and accepting to amend your ways when planning to get your ex-girlfriend back will help you both to tackle the past issues as well as help you realize your weak points and fix them.

3. Work on yourself.

After you have realized that you didn’t treat your ex-girlfriend well in your past relationship.

The next thing to do is to try working on yourself and your attitude.

I mean, think of a way to steal her heart back again. Make sure that this time you’re going to do your best to make your relationship with her work out well.

4. Call or invite her to talk about it.

Of course, if you truly want your ex-girlfriend back, you need to let her know your intentions of building the relationship back.

It may not be easy to start initially, but calling to say hi often,  sending her love messages, and if possible, inviting her for a date, have her sit out face to face with you, then discuss how much you have missed her since your break up with her, tell her you have learned your lessons and that you are now a new man, believe me, doing all these will give her the impression that you’re working hard to have a new relationship with her.

Question to ask your ex-girlfriend to help you both get back fast.

Perhaps it is worth it to first consider whether your ex-girlfriend can even get back with you after a breakup has taken place.

In trying to get back with your ex-girlfriend, it would be useful to ask her the following questions – at least, as a starting point to fix your relationship back again. 

  • How badly do you both want to make this work?
  • Have you been happy together in the past?
  • What brought you together in the first place?
  • When is the last time that you remember being the happiest with me?
  • What part (if any) do you believe I had to play in our breakup?
  • Do/did you see a future with each other?
  • Have you both understood what caused the break-up to happen in the first place to avoid it happening again?
  • Are you both prepared to do whatever it takes to make this work?
  • What do you believe we need to change in our relationship to move forward?

The answer to these questions should help you to come up with a good understanding of why the breakup took place and may even give you some idea on how to get back with your ex-girlfriend.

5. Be friendly this time.

One of the ways how to get back with your ex-girlfriend fast is to be a best friend first.

50% of ladies out there would want to be best friends with a guy first before considering calling him their dates.

So, if you want to get her back into the relationship, you have to act like a close friend first, be there for each other, be free while with her, though don’t force yourself on her, play with her and crack funny jokes when around her, girls love a funny guy a lot and at this time, she will feel to express her feelings too.

Then, at this point, it will be quite easy for you to know how she feels about your intentions to rekindle a new relationship with her.

6. Don’t go down memory lane.

Oh yeah, this is another thing to avoid if you plan on how to get back with your ex-girlfriend.

Know that this is the time to build back not the time to discuss the failed or bad dates after your break up.

Remember that, there’s every possibility that your ex-girlfriend might have gone through ups and downs due to the breakup, so trying to visit the past may make your reconciliation with her a tough one, hence don’t discuss issues of what she might have done wrong in the past, rather, focus on the new man you will be to her.

7. Don’t use lies to win her heart.

Trust has already been broken. Do not make the condition worse by lying to her.

For example, do not lie about feeling confident and faith in your ex-girlfriend quickly if it is not true.

Frankness and sincerity are key right now, don’t try to lie in a way to win her back.

8. Be honest about your feelings.

Now that your ex-girlfriend is trying to get along with rebuilding the relationship back, all she needs is your honesty.

Although it will take some work to rebuild trust in your relationship with her, know that this is your opportunity to form an even deeper bond with her.

But how can you achieve that?

Well, it’s easy, says a marriage therapist, Dr. Todd, he says that you can only build trust back in a relationship if you can be bold enough to speak up to your girlfriend about what you like and dislike, when you feel hurt and when you feel happy, what you can tolerate, and how you’d like to be treated and lots more.

So, try your best to be honest this time if you plan to get back with your ex-girlfriend.

9. Rebuild that old loving memory with friends.

If you want your ex-girlfriend back after she broke up with you, then you have to help yourself get her back by involving her close or mutual friends.

How do you make this happen?

Anyway, it’s that simple, at this stage of getting her back, you can always try to have a round table with her and her close friends just to fix up that old loving and fun memories you both had with each other back then.

Of course, every girl out there will always value this moment to make it clear to her friends that you truly love and value the relationship with her so much, and with this, you’re just a step close to getting her heart to love you again. 

10. Send her surprise gifts.

Another amazing way to rekindle your relationship with your ex-girlfriend back is to often send her a surprising gift either to her workplace or at home.

You can decide to do this by buying her chocolate or sending flowers or whatever you feel she will like and appreciate as this will help you to win her heart back again.

11. Take it easy.

Understand what your ex-girlfriend has passed through a lot and know that it will only take her time to heal.

So don’t stuff her too much with attention, learn to take things easy with her – it should be one step at a time, and don’t make it look as if you are forcing her back into the relationship.

Building a new friendship will take some time, so learn that, and give her enough time to see the new man you have become.

12. Don’t give up easily.

According to a relationship expert, Robert, she says time heals everything, giving whatever thing it’s time, it will heal, even getting back with your ex-girlfriend requires time.

Giving up easily is for the weak in heart, so to be able to get your soul mate back, don’t be discouraged to fight for the love even when things seem too difficult to handle.

13. Discuss the future with her often.

At this point of trying to build a new life with your ex-girlfriend, I know you have plans of making it a long-lasting one.

So endeavor to often discuss your plans together with her, the positive and fun time you both will enjoy, and try to always maintain healthy communication with her to boost her confidence of having a relaxed mind with you to enjoy this new you.

In conclusion

Getting back with your ex-girlfriend is never going to be an easy task and building the relationship back again may not be a walk in the park either.

However, keep in mind that, you need some time to get things done the right way, and hence you should assign wisdom in applying any of the tips we’ve listed above on how to get back with your ex-girlfriend.

And then, having the patience to wait till you win her heart back can be worth it in the end. 



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