How to Make Your Boyfriend Obsessed With You Over Text

How to Make Your Boyfriend Obsessed With You Over Text

We live in a great time, thankful for the fast growth of the internet.

Nowadays, you can make your lover think about you all day from afar even without having to bother about seeing each other every day.

When you know how to make your boyfriend obsessed with you over text then you shouldn’t worry about calling and being physically present with your lover, sometimes you need to draw your boyfriend’s heart all to yourself with just sweet text to keep him thinking about you all day.

Not any kind of text will do the magic, but the one that will make him smile for hours.

Do you wonder if your boyfriend is thinking of you when you’re not together?

Or maybe, you want to make him obsessed with you over text but you don’t know how to go about it?

If you’d say yes to any of these questions.

Well, think no more, your problem is over now.

In this article, you are going to learn how to make your boyfriend obsessed with you over text, with some certain examples of texts you can send him.

Whether you’re texting your newfound guy or a long-term boyfriend, know that guys have a fun time and feel good when you’re texting them.

And by so doing, you can easily keep him hooked to you so he misses you even when you’re not around.

Is it possible to make a boyfriend obsessed with you over text?

Yes, attracting men and starting the kind of relationships you want will be ten times easier when you understand how to make use of a good texting strategy to win a guy over.

When is the right time to text him?

Good question, the right time to text a guy so your text will not be misunderstood it’s when you know that there’s a spark of chemistry between you both.

Don’t just start texting a guy if you just meant him, but you can freely text him when you know he feels something for you to avoid being taken for a desperate attention seeker.

If you want to learn the best and most romantic texts that can help make your boyfriend chase you forever.

Then keep reading to learn more on how to make him miss you over text just by a matter of writing on your phone.

11 tips on how to make your boyfriend obsessed with you over text.

Here they are:

1. Shoot him a compliment text.

2. Instead of just texting him, Hi and Hello! use romantic question text to melt him.

3. Send him a flirty text message.

4. Use funny text to hook him hard.

5. Ask for his idea on a matter to win his heart.

6. Hit him with a thank you text.

7. Tell him about a good memory you’ve spent together.

8. Send him I miss you text.

9. Use short and positive sweet texts.

10. Give him a lovely morning and night dose of text.

11. Set up a date to be together.

1. Shoot him a sweet compliment.

According to a psychologist, men love women who compliment them often. It makes them feel valued and respected.

If you want to make your boyfriend obsessed with you over text, then you need to always greet him with a sweet compliment text message to keep him thinking about you even in his busiest moments.

A smart compliment text forwarded to him in the early hours of the morning could put a smile on his face and make him think about how good you make him feel for the rest of the day.

In the text, you could speak of how handsome he looks, how he deals with issues, or maybe how you feel about him. Such as:

“You are so sweet to look upon, not like most men I know”.

” I just saw the photos you uploaded now, wow, you look amazing.

“You know just what to say to make me feel good all day”.

2. Instead of just texting him, Hi and Hello! use romantic question text to melt him.

Another great way to get your boyfriend to have your thoughts in his mind every second of the day is to send him a romantic question text to melt his heart instead of just using Hi, Hello, all the time.

You can send this kind of question text messages to grab his attention in the early hours of the day.

Just text him something like this one “What color do you like best I’m buying new underwear?

Trust me, no man will ever resist this kind of text message, even if he’s busy at the moment, he will likely think about it for some hours, and with that, the thought of you will get fixed in his innermost heart.

3. Send him a flirty text message.

Sending your guy a flirty text message will arouse his ego and makes him see he’s in control.

If you want to make your boyfriend obsessed with you over text, make him feel special and wanted all the time, in that way, it will show him that you’re interested.

Always send him a text to remind him how he makes you feel or still how he’s always on your mind so he doesn’t have to guess how you’re feeling.

Text like this ones: “My coworkers are asking why I smile at work so much, I told them it’s because of you.

“You must be so tired since you’ve been running through my head all day!”

Texts like this will help keep the spark about you alive in your guy’s heart.

4. Use funny text to hook him hard.

Like I said earlier not all text could attract a guy’s attention.

To make your man fall in love with you forever, you should be able to be fun to be with, you can also try using a funny text to hook him to yourself even when you’re far away from him.

Send him a funny text like ” what do you want for dinner? Spaghetti, steak, or me?”.

With these funny texts, he will keep smiling all day, and by so doing, you will be all he thinks about.

5. Ask for his idea on a matter to win his heart.

Asking your boyfriend for his opinion or idea on a matter will show him how you hold him vital in your life and will make him want to be with you all the time because men value women who place them higher above anyone else.

So, if you want to keep him wanting more of you, text him often to ask for his advice or opinions and he’ll always want to help out as much as he can.

Text messages like this one can be of help to you ” I’m planning of joining a club, what do you suggest?”

“What financial books can you recommend for me, I stopped at the library?

“I’m all alone do you mind coming over?

All these texts will do nothing but help you win your boyfriend’s heart.

6. Hit him with a thank you text message.

Sending your man a calm thank you text will make him see how much you appreciate and care for him, and that will make him obsessed with you and only you.

If your boyfriend did something for you whether small or big, don’t let it go unnoticed, make sure you thank him for what he has done, he will do some more and he’ll be tempted to never let you go.

Example of texts:

“Thank you so much for being there for me, you don’t know what you mean to me”.

“I always feel so much safe around you, thank you for being in my life”.

“Thank you for being so supportive of my dreams! You make me feel so special!”

“I appreciate the flowers you sent to me today, thank you”.

There’s no way, your boyfriend can stop having your interest at heart after reading these texts from you.

7. Tell him about a good moment you’ve spent together.

Make your guy think about the good times you’ve shared with him, he’ll start thinking about it too, and with that, you have succeeded in making him have you in his heart all day long.

Maybe you both snapped a photo together on your last date, you can text him to get his attention to it by saying;

” I’m just scrolling through my phone right now, just eyeing at how sweet we look together”

“I was thinking about you the entire time I was eating on our first date, I’m just watching the videos you took.”

“I just got dinner from that spot where you surprised me for our anniversary, you made me smiled that day”

Reminding him of the fun moments you had with him, will lead him to chase you more.

8. Send him I miss you text.

You can also make your boyfriend obsessed with you over text by telling him how much you miss him and make sure to mention whatever name you call him.

According to psychologists, a person’s attention is drawn mostly when you called them by their names.

So, anytime you think about or misses your boyfriend, don’t forget to send him a quick text to let him know how you’re feeling.

Example of text:

“You’ve been on my mind all day, I think I’m missing you, Frank.”

“Honey, we were just together last week, but it seems like forever.

“I like the idea of waking up beside you every day, I miss you, Ben.”

Sending him a text “I miss you” will make him think about how he misses you too and will want to spend some time with you alone.

9. Use short and positive sweet texts.

Talk about the things he likes to do in your text, make him laugh, yet make it entertaining by using funny emojis to make your texts sound more fun so he keeps wanting more – men are more likely to respond to easygoing texts. 

What do I mean by that?

I mean, most times the text that will make him obsess over you, has fewer than 10 words – a one-liner text is enough to trigger a man’s attention more than long boring clinched phrases.

However, to make your boyfriend obsessed with you over text, you should make use of short and positive text like the one below to keep him connected to you always.

Such as:

“Sorry to hear you had a tough day. Come over so I can give you a happy ending”.

“You are going to be a great man”

“I’m getting turned on right now just thinking about you!”

10. Give him a lovely morning and night dose of text.

You’re bound to get his attention with a nice text at dawn, he’ll be glad when he wakes up and sees your good morning text on his phone.

Also, conveying a text message before bedtime will make him think of you all night long – a guy will always love seeing that he’s the last person you text before falling asleep. 

Example of good morning and night texts.

“Good night. Although if we were beside each other right now, I think we won’t be sleeping”.

“Just imagine what we’d be doing if we were around each other right now”.

“I like the idea of waking up beside you every day of my life”.

“I wish I could fall asleep and wake up just in your arms”.

With these lovely texts, he’ll be so excited and will look for a way to see you as soon as possible.

11. Set up a date to be together.

If you want to have a long talk with your guy, then you have to send him a sweet text to tell him about your plans to have a date with him.

Don’t be boring, show him how eager you are to see him so he knows you’re missing him.

Slating to see each other will increase his eagerness so he’ll miss you even more until your date. 

Also, when he knows you truly care about him by making this move he’ll be so proud of you.

Texts based on this regard include:

 “Aw, look at this pic I found of us! aren’t we so cute, wish we could spend more time together this weekend?

“I’ll be so excited to see you again! Will you be free today?”

“I’d love to get dinner with you tonight, what color of dress do you suggest I wear?

Advice: Remember to take care of your look. If you want to make your boyfriend keep thinking about you after your date with him, you have to look enticing. Put on a cute dress, wear a nice perfume, smile a lot, and make it fun, and with that, he’ll keep on thinking about the next time he could be with you again.

Final words

Using this good texting strategy is one of the powerful ways to make your boyfriend obsessed with you over text.

But you have to limit how much you text him each day to make him want you more than ever.

If you’re always messaging and replying to your boyfriend too quickly, he might think that you’re waiting by your phone for him and might start getting bored over your numerous texts.

So, you should keep your texts fun, short, simple, positive, and few always so he gets more excited after he gets your text each time.


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