Often men get too comfortable once they’ve gotten the girl they wanted, and then they stop putting in the effort. And what happens here is the girl starts to get bored because she’s no longer receiving attention or affection as usual.
The new girl is acting a bit off? Being distant or not lively as expected? And you feel she’s losing interest in you?
Remember that to keep a girl interested in you is not a walk in the park. You have to put in the effort, work hard for it, not because you think she likes you enough, you relax and think you’ve won a gold medal and she will love you forever. To give a girl the spark interest, you really have to be prepared to go out of the box and start making things right.
It will hit you harder when you realize you’ve turned from her cup of champagne to her cup of tea.
See also: How To Make A Girl Fall For You On Whatsapp
20 tips on how to keep a new girl interested.
1. Compliment her:
Let her know she’s beautiful. Don’t ever think you’ve said it enough. You shouldn’t compliment just her looks but her character attributes. What makes her stand out. Her confidence, her charisma, her intelligence, and many more that make her feel appreciated.
2. Flirt with her:
Do you remember how much you tried to woo her? Yeah, those flirtatious texts shouldn’t stop. How you gawked at her seductive dress, and you told her, her dress was taunting on your first date? Be playful, make her think of you, and smile. It’s a good way to keep her interested.
3. Ask an open question:
It doesn’t matter if you’re texting or sitting out together. Don’t ask her questions that require a one-word reply. Ask her about her visitation to the zoo, where she replies to you in detail. She would appreciate your interest in how her day went.
4. Be genuine:
Truly you should show that you like her beyond her looks, talk about the things she likes doing, her ambition. Show that you genuinely love her and everything about her.
5. Plan dates:
Plan an alone time with your girl. Take her to the diner, a fancy place where you two will bond even more. It doesn’t matter how many dates you’ve been on with her, Plan a beautiful night out.
6. Maintain steady conversation:
This is a vital skill to master. If you want to keep her interested in you, try as much as possible to always be in contact with her. You’re not going to text today, disappear and come back two days later to text her. Engage her in a great conversation where you ask her about her day, and her memes to make her laugh and stay connected with you.
7. Have a good sense of humor:
Tease her about her favorite tv show to watch which is a bit weird to you. Remind her of the awkward moment you too had at the movie house. Make her laugh.
I will always say that if you think you don’t have a good sense of humor and you think your best try will be a cringe. Then you should resort to using memes.
8. Text within 24 hours of meeting:
Self-explanatory. If she’s the girl you just met, text her as soon as possible. She could’ve met a lot of other guys that day, and you being the first to contact her will put you at the top. Don’t make her wait, if you do, she will think of you as one who isn’t serious. And then she loses interest before you’re even set.
9. Be goofy:
Send her some amusing pictures of you. It could be the one you took with your pet or any of your family members.
10. Take her to her favorite place:
DO you know the places she likes, if you don’t you should endeavor to ask her questions about her favorite things to do, or her favorite places to visit?
If she loves reading, a stop at the library will do wonders in your relationship. Does she love animals? Take her to the zoo and let her have fun. It’s this little thing that matters.
11. Match her energy:
Play with her when she just wants to jump in a ned and start a pillow fight with you.
She’s sending you goofy pictures and all you do is smile and say nothing? Respond in a way she feels you don’t think she’s out of the world. Make her feel she’s receiving the same energy she’s putting in.
12. Don’t stop being yourself:
I had to draw this one out too. You should always remember that losing your true self for someone is never worth it.
Be you, do not change and the right person will love you for who you truly are. So if she’s one you love and don’t want her to lose interest in you, do those things she loves you to do which you can do because you don’t feel forced to. There are many things you can do as listed above and below that don’t necessarily mean you have to lose yourself. And in turn, she would do the same for you.
13. Give her attention:
That will work if you sneak out time from your busy schedule to text her and let her know you’re thinking about her.
Listen to her when she’s talking to you, and don’t act like you’ve got better things to do than listening to her.
Give her attention and let her hold yours, that way you will be all she thinks of.
It’s just that simple.
14. Be mysterious:
What you’re not going to do on your first date is to reveal too much of yourself. Or a chat even.
You will unhurriedly begin to let her in on some things about you. To keep her interested to know your story. Not overload her on your first day.
It could be your childhood stories, passions, your hobbies. Gradually begin to tell her those new things about you that she never knew.
15. Appreciate her:
Do you know those things she does for you without you having to ask? The dishes, the laundry?
Start to say Thank you.
16. Talk about the relationship:
This is a healthy way to keep your relationship strong and the girl interested. It creates a strong bond. Try to talk about the things you love about each other.
17. Ask the right questions:
Endeavor to ask her questions that she will be interested to reply to or talk about. Do not ask questions she would ignore to reply days after or ones she would flip to change the topic.
18. Fulfil her needs:
If you’re in a relationship with her, strive not to neglect emotional and physical needs. Ensure she’s enjoying every moment with you, be supportive, do just what makes her happy.
19. Put in the effort:
Continue to impress her like you did when you were trying to woo her.
Clean up nice, keep up with the dashing looks, take care of yourself.
Go on with the same procedure you applied when you two were yet to be a thing, that way it refreshes her interest and makes it stronger.
20. Be spontaneous:
You should stop following up the same old routine of taking her to the same fancy restaurant and art gallery. Switch It up and surprise her with an adventure, take her on trips, date, buy her gifts. The way to a woman’s heart is a gift.
If you’re texting, surprise her with a beautifully written text or a card.
Don’t do the regular and try to spice it up, that will keep her interested.